This is absolutely the best book out today (and, it has been out for 15 years) on this subject. It is more thorough than anything Barna has written, although he writes good stuff as well. The writers of this book are acknowledged leaders in their fields. My marketing degree was filled with books written by Mr. Kotler. He is simply one of the most knowledgeable in this field. So, if you want an understanding of what the marketing...
This book will help you understand ministry marketing. One of the authors (Kotler) practically invented social markeing. This form of marketing is not for tangible products, but marketing ideas and behaviors. You need to understand the basic principles of marketing to take full advantage of it. The book is sound marketing, it's not marketing that make's something worldly--it's worldly people. If you are godly, so will your...
The phrase "church marketing" makes many people of faith cringe, but it is an aspect of our outreach and evangelism efforts that we need to be intentional about. Effective mission and outreach begins with prayer and a vision, but having a grasp on the logistics of making a positive impression to our guests is important.The message of hope in the Lord does not change, but the way we communicate that message to the emerging...