Have you ever felt an inner prompting to share your faith with someone and then struggled to find the right words?
Or perhaps you see a friend or work colleague in difficult circumstances and want to offer a word of encouragement. Your heart aches for them and although your thoughts may turn towards God, for some reason, the right words just don't seem to come.
For the silent majority, this is sadly the case.
Ross Walker has been involved in market place ministry for almost 40 years and has made the observation "Christians who are unable to confidently share their faith will often remain silent at a time when the rocks and stones are wanting to cry out that Jesus Christ is Lord".
(Lu 19:40)
Paradoxically, the evidence of true discipleship includes always being ready to give an account of our faith. Our lamp (or testimony) it is not meant to be hidden under the bed, any more than our talents (gifts, skills and abilities) are meant to be buried in the ground.
If you are serious about obeying the Great Commission, but have experienced difficulty in sharing your faith, this book is for you This book demonstrates that if we allow our faith to conquer our fears, all things become possible. This includes the supernatural power of God being released into our lives to perform miracles, signs and wonders in line Jesus' declaration "And these signs shall accompany those who believe...." (Mark 16:17).
Market Place Ministry uses many tools, teachings and examples from the Bible narrative to communicate the gospel message in a manner that sits within a modern-day context and is easy to understand and apply.