This penetrating study of evil in the human heart revolves around a mysterious Stone of many dimensions, by which one can move at will through space, time, and thought. Replete with rich religious imagery, Many Dimensions explores the relation between predestination and free...
What would you do to possess an object of unlimited power? When occult enthusiast Sir Giles Tumulty comes into possession of a stone known as the Crown of Solomon, he is amazed at its startling powers. It can replicate itself infinitely, and...
This penetrating study of evil in the human heart revolves around a mysterious Stone of many dimensions, by which one can move at will through space, time, and thought. Replete with rich religious imagery, Many Dimensions explores the relation between predestination and...
"DO you mean," Sir Giles said, "that the thing never gets smaller?""Never," the Prince answered. "So much of its virtue has entered into its outward form that whatever may happen to it there is no change. From the beginning it was as it is now.""Then by God, sir," Reginald Montague...
"Many Dimensions" is a 1930 novel by Charles W. S. Williams. Charles Walter Stansby Williams (1886 - 1945) was a British theologian, novelist, poet, playwright, and literary critic. He was also a member of the "The Inklings", a literary discussion group connected to the University...
A time-traveling Stone of Suleimon appears, along with a villain.
Do you mean, ' Sir Giles said, 'that the thing never gets smaller?''Never, ' the Prince answered. 'So much of its virtue has entered into its outward form that whatever may happen to it there is no change. From the beginning it was as it is now.''Then by God, sir, ' Reginald...
The fabled Stone of Suleiman (King Solomon) is illegally purchased from its Islamic guardian in Baghdad by an evil antique dealer. On returning to England he discovers not only that the Stone can multiply itself infinitely without diminishing the original, but that it also allows...
The fabled Stone of Suleiman (King Solomon) is illegally purchased from its Islamic guardian in Baghdad by an evil antique dealer. On returning to England he discovers not only that the Stone can multiply itself infinitely without diminishing the original, but that it also allows...
The fabled Stone of Suleiman (King Solomon) is illegally purchased from its Islamic guardian in Baghdad by an evil antique dealer. On returning to England he discovers not only that the Stone can multiply itself infinitely without diminishing the original, but that it also allows...
Neither of the two men made any answer. The Persian, sitting back in his chair, and Sir Giles, sitting forward on the edge of his, were both gazing at the thing which lay on the table. It was a circlet of old, tarnished, and twisted gold, in the centre of which was set a cubical...