Man-Of-War Life is a book written by Charles Nordhoff in 1895. It is a detailed account of the life of sailors and officers aboard a man-of-war ship during the late 19th century. The book provides a comprehensive description of the daily routine, customs, and traditions of naval...
In 1844, when barely 14, Charles Nordhoff managed to talk his way into the U.S. Navy. He was better educated than most of his fellow seamen, and was well equipped to describe what became a three-year around-the-world adventure. He was lucky in his ship, USS Columbus, a large...
Man-Of-War Life is a book written by Charles Nordhoff and published in 1895. It is a detailed account of the life of sailors on board a man-of-war ship during the late 19th century. The book covers various aspects of life on board, including daily routines, food, discipline,...
Man-Of-War Life is a book written by Charles Nordhoff and first published in 1895. The book is a memoir of Nordhoff's experiences as a sailor in the United States Navy during the mid-19th century. Nordhoff vividly describes the harsh conditions and daily routines of life aboard...