Malone Dies is the second novel in Samuel Beckett's famous, modernist trilogy. An old man is dying in a room. His bowl of soup comes, his pots are emptied. He waits to die. And while he waits, he constructs stories, mainly to pass the time. Saposcat, the Lambert family,...
Malone est? em um quarto, n?o sabe bem como e nem porque chegou ali, lembra-se vagamente de sua pr?pria vida e tem apenas uma certeza, a de que vai morrer. Enquanto espera, protela este ?nico acontecimento contando as hist?rias "nem bonitas nem feias" das fam?lias Saposcat e...
Malone Dies is the second novel in Samuel Beckett's famous, modernist trilogy. An old man is dying in a room. His bowl of soup comes, his pots are emptied. He waits to die. And while he waits, he constructs stories, mainly to pass the time. Saposcat, the Lambert family,...
Malone Dies is the second novel in Samuel Beckett's famous, modernist trilogy. An old man is dying in a room. His bowl of soup comes, his pots are emptied. He waits to die. And while he waits, he constructs stories, mainly to pass the time. Saposcat, the Lambert family,...