This romantic classic tells the story of Robert Merrick, a young man who almost dies in an accident and vows to enter the medical profession in memory of a local doctor. After almost losing his life in a boating accident, Robert Merrick is inspired by...
This romantic classic tells the story of Robert Merrick, a young man who almost dies in an accident and vows to enter the medical profession in memory of a local doctor. After almost losing his life in a boating accident, Robert Merrick is inspired by...
When Robert Merrick's life is saved at the expense of the life of an eccentric but adored surgeon, the carefree playboy is forced to reevaluate his own path. Merrick embarks on a course of anonymous philanthropy, inspired by reading the doctor's private papers. An engaging...
Magnificent Obsession is a novel by Lloyd C. Douglas, published in 1929. It tells the story of a spoiled and reckless young man named Robert Merrick, whose life takes a dramatic turn after he survives a boating accident at the expense of another man's life. The deceased, Dr...
1929. Magnificent Obsession is Douglas's first book. The novel introduces themes that reappear in the author's later books-a medical setting, a wealthy background, the conversion of the atheist hero to a practicing Christian from feelings of guilt. In this case it's after causing...
A shattering personal tragedy reveals a magnificent secret to a spoiled, rich young man who uses his discovery to become an inspired surgeon and to find love.