"A powerful, severe, and harshly comic portrayal of Irish immigrant life in lower New York exactly a century ago." --Alfred Kazin Maggie , a powerful exploration of the destructive forces that underlie urban society and human nature, produced a scandal when it was first published...
This harrowing tale of a young girl in the slums is a searing portrayal of turn-of-the-century New York, and Stephen Crane's most innovative work. Published in 1893, when the author was just twenty-one, it broke new ground with its vivid characters, its brutal naturalism, and...
"A powerful, severe, and harshly comic portrayal of Irish immigrant life in lower New York exactly a century ago." --Alfred Kazin Maggie, a powerful exploration of the destructive forces that underlie urban society and human nature, produced a scandal when...
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets (1893) is a novel by American writer Stephen Crane. Self-published by Crane when the author was only 22 years old, Maggie: A Girl of the Streets has since been recognized as the first work of American literary Naturalism. Inspired...