In some dark corner of the universe, eight human brains are salvaged from the ruins of a broken starship, their last memories absorbed into a vast alien intellect. In their final moments, these humans were dreaming.
Five of them were imagining new Science Fiction Horror stories, two of them were creating art, and one of them was somehow astral projecting, nudging each of these twisted visions toward a shared goal.
The result of this merging of human minds is Macabre Multiverse - and the aliens who salvaged those brains were kind enough to compile what they found within and send it hurtling back through time and space. So here it is, our reports on the fraying edges of reality and probability, an anthology of five new Science Fiction Horrors, illustrated by two artists, and polished by a sixth writer who ensured each and every story was as shiny, sharp, and twisted as it could be.Welcome to the Macabre Multiverse.
Stories by Phillip Carter, John Coon, Aaron Frale, Mark Gardner, Seb D Law.
Cover art by Jon Cellini.
Chapter art by Marco Medina.
Editing by BK NTouris.
Published by Halfplanet Press.