The Lustful Turk (1828) is an anonymously written pornographic novel. Published by infamous London pornographers John Benjamin Brookes and William Dugdale, The Lustful Turk was adapted into a 1968 film by David Friedman. Notable for its blend of popular literary...
By this time I was aware, from the excessive hardness of his instrument, which was now lying on my belly, that it had recovered its wanton life and vigour, and presently the movement of his right hand gave notice I was again about to receive it. But how shall I describe my emotion...
The Lustful Turk (1828) is an anonymously written pornographic novel. Published by infamous London pornographers John Benjamin Brookes and William Dugdale, The Lustful Turk was adapted into a 1968 film by David Friedman. Notable for its blend of popular literary...
On her way to India in1814, Emily Barlow's ship is attacked by Moorish pirates. Emily is taken to Ali, dey of Algiers, who awakens Emily's sexuality in a brutal way. When Emily's friend Sylvia is abducted and also ends up in Ali's harem, the sexual escapades continues."The Lustful...