Lucy Temple (1828) is a novel by Susanna Rowson. Inspired in part by the author's experiences in America-she was brought there by her father, a Royal Navy officer, and place under house arrest during the American Revolution-Lucy Temple, the sequel to her bestselling...
""Charlotte's Daughter Or The Three Orphans"" is a novel written by Susanna Rowson and published in 1794. It is a sequel to her earlier work ""Charlotte Temple"". The story follows the lives of three orphans - Lucy, Emily, and Henry - who are taken in by Mr. Temple, the father...
Lucy Temple (1828) is a novel by Susanna Rowson. Inspired in part by the author's experiences in America-she was brought there by her father, a Royal Navy officer, and place under house arrest during the American Revolution-Lucy Temple, the sequel to her bestselling...
""Charlotte's Daughter Or The Three Orphans"" is a sequel to the classic novel ""Charlotte Temple"" by Susanna Rowson, also known as Mrs. Rowson. The story picks up several years after the tragic death of Charlotte, the young heroine of the first book. Charlotte's daughter, also...