Lucy Stone: Pioneer of Women's Rights is a biography written by Alice Stone Blackwell that tells the story of Lucy Stone, a prominent American suffragist and women's rights advocate. The book chronicles Stone's life from her childhood in Massachusetts to her involvement in the...
Lucy Stone: Pioneer of Woman's Rights is a biographical book written by Alice Stone Blackwell, the daughter of Lucy Stone. The book tells the story of Lucy Stone, a prominent American suffragist and abolitionist who dedicated her life to fighting for the rights of women and African...
Alice Stone Blackwell, editor of the Woman's Journal, published this biography of her mother, Lucy Stone, in 1930, a decade after the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment. Reprinted now for the first time, Lucy Stone: Pioneer of Woman's Rights is a fascinating,...
Lucy Stone: Pioneer Of Woman�������s Rights is a biography written by Alice Stone Blackwell about her mother, Lucy Stone, who was a prominent figure in the women�������s rights movement...
Lucy Stone: Pioneer of Woman's Rights is a biographical book about Lucy Stone, a prominent figure in the women's rights movement in the 19th century. Written by Alice Stone Blackwell, Lucy's daughter, this large print edition provides an accessible and easy-to-read version of...
Lucy Stone: Pioneer Of Woman�������s Rights is a biographical book written by Alice Stone Blackwell that tells the story of Lucy Stone, a prominent American suffragist, abolitionist, and women's rights advocate. The book explores...
Lucy Stone: Pioneer Of Woman�������s Rights by Alice Stone Blackwell is a biography of Lucy Stone, a prominent American abolitionist and suffragist who dedicated her life to fighting for women's rights. The book explores Stone's...