A poignant story of the man who developed the Braille system of printing for the blind.
A poignant story of the man who developed the Braille system of printing for the blind.
Blinded at the age of 3, Louis Braille developed a superb memory that enabled him to do well in school. But that wasn't enough--Louis wanted to read. Finding the alphabet impractical, he invented the raised dot alphabet, Braille, now used throughout the world.
Scholastic Trade Paperback, copyright 1971 with 80 pages. Black & white illustrations and braille alphabet to feel on back cover. Louis Braille was only twelve years old. And he was blind. He made up his mind somehow he was going to invent and easy way for all blind people to...
Traduction de: Louis Braille: the boy who invented books for the blind.
Blinded at the age of 3, Louis Braille developed a superb memory that enabled him to do well in school. But that wasn't enough--Louis wanted to read. Finding the alphabet impractical, he invented the raised dot alphabet, Braille, now used throughout the world.
Blinded at the age of 3, Louis Braille developed a superb memory that enabled him to do well in school. But that wasn't enough--Louis wanted to read. Finding the alphabet impractical, he invented the raised dot alphabet, Braille, now used throughout the world.
Blinded at the age of 3, Louis Braille developed a superb memory that enabled him to do well in school. But that wasn't enough--Louis wanted to read. Finding the alphabet impractical, he invented the raised dot alphabet, Braille, now used throughout the world.
? l'?ge de 12 ans, Louis Braille, aveugle depuis sa petite enfance, ?tait d?j? d?termin? ? trouver le moyen qui permettrait ? toutes les personnes handicap?es comme lui, de lire et d'?crire. Il a fallu trois ans au jeune inventeur pour mettre au point les signes en relief de...