'Lost chirp of the morning sparrow' is the second book from 'The Flyborn Series'. The story revolves around a cursed butterfly named 'Romi Flyborn' who was able to find out the purpose of his life which was to fly. Somehow, as his wings flapped through the winds, Destiny passed a bigger question to him. What's the purpose of flying if you can't go any further?
A group of birds living on the enchanted island of 'Birdera' behind the curved mountains and the two rivers have set sail in search of their legendary leader who was still a myth. While amidst the dense forest, Romi prepares to bring Angela back home even if he has to search the skies. Far away in the forest of 'Densdoom', a pack of wolves are running fast on the orders of an evil that lives inside the cave, heavily guarded by flying foxes.
Romi's journey is about to take a turn for he is still not aware of what lies beyond the safe green home and his life is about to get tested for how far he can fly. It's only when you step out and flap your wings, you realize the speed of the wind and the eye of the hurricane waiting for you in the storm.
This is the story of a small butterfly wanting to fly high in a big world and his courage is about to encounter a world that too awaits him.