In earlier books, Jim has taken his readers from an early 1942 incident in which a British Destroyer was shadowing a German U-boat through the TOTO channel. The U-boat had made a dive into the depths of the channel, the Destroyer's sonar then picked up a second object that apparently traded shots with the U-boat. The U-boat was destroyed, then the Destroyer's sonar picked up the second object's exit of the area at what the Captain had lodged as an impossible speed. Subsequently, the U.S. Navy sent in a small sub to investigate the British Captain's claim. The U.S. sub was never heard from again. When the U.S. entered the war, the U.S. and the British agreed to build a secret Navy base on Andros Island, close to the sight where both incidences took place. Whatever was down in the channel hampered their completion of the base. On December 5th, 1945, five TBM Avenger torpedo bombers took off from a Naval Air Station in Fort Lauderdale Florida, the bombers were to secretly bomb the TOTO channel. The bombers after their first run over the channel, then radioed that they had lost all Navigation and we're having electrical problems. The Navy sent out another plane to assist. All six planes were never heard from again. Two weeks later the U.S. dropped a Salted bomb over the TOTO channel. In 1951 a group of campers reported witnessing an air crash near the Carlsbad Caverns. The U.S. Government had their first ever living proof of Aliens, the recover craft had one injured alien aboard. Over thirty years passed, the U.S. and the British had built their secretive Navy base on Andros. They had located what they believe a space vehicle on the bottom of the channel. After several setbacks including loss of men and equipment, the Navy hires Jim's Group to bring up the object. Jim has recovered two alike Vehicles and located a third much bigger one in the River San Juan. Let the adventure continue. Book Nine, "Lori"