Hornblower is tasked with a dangerous rescue mission in this "enthralling" chapter (New York Times) in C. S. Forester's beloved naval adventure series. Weary of the war that he has waged nearly his entire life, Hornblower finds himself assigned an especially...
Having received strict and confidential orders from high above, C.S. Forester's inimitable hero must recapture The Flame, a brig which has been taken over by a band of mutineers. Voyaging to the Bay of Seine in order to rescue the captive Lieutenant Augustin Chadwick...
Having received strict and confidential orders from high above, C.S. Forester's inimitable hero must recapture The Flame, a brig which has been taken over by a band of mutineers. Voyaging to the Bay of Seine in order to rescue the captive Lieutenant Augustin Chadwick...
En engelske brig ligger for anker ud for en st rkt bef stet fransk havn i Den Engelske Kanal. Bes tningen beg?r mytteri og vil overgive sig til de franske myndigheder. Men Hornblower f?r til opgave at sl? opstanden ned, og han klarer den ansp ndte situation med taktik, kl gt...