In this Lola Reads series book, Lola embarks on a new adventure--the first day of school A comforting and cheerful picture book read that demystifies the school day, perfect for preschoolers and kindergarteners. Lola and her family prepare for the first...
In this Lola Reads series book, Lola embarks on a new adventure--the first day of school A comforting and cheerful picture book read that demystifies the school day, perfect for preschoolers and kindergarteners. Lola and her family prepare for the first...
Ahora disponible en espa ol Lola se prepara para una nueva y emocionante aventura: su primer d a de escuela Una lectura alegre y alentadora que deja de lado todo mito sobre el preescolar y el jard n de infantes. Desde la noche anterior, Lola y su familia se...