Akrilica, a co-publishing venture between Noemi Press and Letras Latinas -- the literary initiative at the Institute for Latino Studies at the University of Notre Dame -- showcases innovative Latino writing. The series name recalls the groundbreaking, bilingual book from the eighties by distinguished Chicano writer, and United States Poet Laureate Emeritus, Juan Felipe Herrera.
Written in response to the PROMESA bill (Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act) Bill, lo terciario / the tertiary ofers a decolonial queer critique and reconsideration of Marx. The book's title comes from Pedro Scaron's, El Capital, the 1976 translation of Karl Marx's classic. Published by Siglo Veintiuno Editores, this translation was commonly used by the Puerto Rican left as part of political formation programs. lo terciario / the tertiary places this text in relation to the Puerto Rican debt crisis, forcing readers to reconsider old questions when facing colonialism's newest horrors. This re-release of lo tercario / the tertiary features a new introduction by Urayo n Noel and images by Jos Ortiz Pag n.
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