A middle-aged woman becomes haunted by events she faced in the earlier years of her life. She's often held deep within the core of her past. She has yet to learn how to escape the torment that becomes her mind. She makes an honest attempt daily to avoid the series of her thoughts, which usually escalates into a domino effect and feeling of negativity she's unable to escape. She struggles daily due to a shattered childhood and a traumatic series of events that cause her triggers and poor mental state of mind. She developed a lack of confidence in her youth that follows her around "today." She's held as a prisoner of her mind and often feels bound to the broken words spoken in her past. She's unsure of how to effectively let go of the pain as she clearly remembers everything and somehow holds on for dear life. In the wake of feeling at rock bottom, she needed something "more" to believe in, other than the negative aspects she had adhered to in her youth. She has faith that everything often works out for the best in its own way. She believes everything happens for a reason, even when the reasons are unknown. She values her spiritual beliefs and holds them very dear to her. "Living Within a Negative Mind" is an autobiography of a woman attempting to live her life and make the best of it.