A terrifying threat that could only have come from the imagination of author RWK Clark. This genuinely gripping page-turner is sure to give you chills and fill you with hope.
When a college student notices everyone around her is rude and violent, she senses that...
A terrifying threat that could only have come from the imagination of bestselling author RWK Clark. This genuinely gripping page-turner is sure to give you chills and fill you with hope. When college student Alicia Gaden notices everyone around her is rude...
A terrifying threat that could only have come from the imagination of bestselling author RWK Clark. This genuinely gripping page-turner is sure to give you chills and fill you with hope. When college student Alicia Gaden notices everyone around her is rude...
Una plaga en la edad moderna. Qu har as si tu mundo cambiara ante tus propios ojos? Qu har as si vieras a tus seres queridos convirti ndose en horrendas monstruosidades? Qu har as si fueras la nica persona sana y normal que queda en el planeta? Estas...