Beatrex Quntanna Presents Our 24th Edition of Living by the Light of the Moon with Graphic Design by Jennifer Masters.
How to navigate your life by the light of the Moon and its cycles -- our workbook will show you step-by-step when and what to let go of to free yourself from whatever holds you back, and when and what to manifest.
The year 2022 is ruled by Jupiter. According to Tibetan Numerology, the year adds up to a 6 and the number 6 is all about Love.
It has been said by many ancient and new world prophets that the transformation on Earth will happen when Love is in a place as a principle. Up until now the opposite has been operating, inciting fear and resistance to to change. This is being played out by survival issues arriving on the scene. 2022 opens a pathway --- a choice for all of us to leave resistance behind and live love every day.
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