The illustrations for this series were created by Scott McKowen, who, with his wife Christina Poddubiuk, operates Punch & Judy Inc., a company specializing in design and illustration for theater and performing arts. Their projects often involve research into the visual aspects of historical settings and characters. Christina is a theater set and costume designer and contributed advice on the period clothing for the illustrations. Scott created these...
Told from the point of view of the enslaved Jim, Percival Everett's latest novel, James, is a brilliant, action-packed retelling of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. If you enjoy stories that reimagine, reframe, or pay homage to classic texts, here are fifteen more titles for you.
Taylor Swift's new album, The Tortured Poets Department, came out April 19. Swift has a long history of including literary nods in her music and this title suggests her most bookish album yet! Back when she announced the track list, we made some predictions about things. Let's see how we did and explore all of the literary references in her latest lyrics.
As long as there have been books, there have been women writers, but until the last few centuries, their voices were marginalized, discounted, and even silenced. Finally, this is changing. In celebration of Women's History Month, here are 21 time-honored classics by women who broke new ground and earned their spot in literary history.
The film adaptation for The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes comes out in just a few months and we're getting ready by revisiting the books and the films in the series. We've also put together a reading list of classic literature that matches up with some of the key characters. Check it out!
Thriftbooks enlisted OnePoll to survey 2,000 U.S. adults who read regularly to learn about the science (and magic) behind getting lost in a book. And what we learned turned into a captivating read.