Little Miss Matty: A Tale Of The Sea is a novel written by Mrs. George Cupples and published in 1886. The story follows the adventures of a young girl named Matty, who lives with her parents in a small fishing village by the sea. Matty is a spirited and curious child, who loves...
Little Miss Matty: A Tale of the Sea is a novel written by Mrs. George Cupples and published in 1886. The story revolves around a young girl named Matty, who lives with her mother in a small fishing village on the coast of Scotland. Matty's father was a sailor who died at sea,...
Little Miss Matty: A Tale Of The Sea is a novel written by Mrs. George Cupples and first published in 1886. The story follows the adventures of a young girl named Matty who lives in a small seaside town. Matty is fascinated by the sea and spends much of her time exploring the...