Author-illustrator Vashti Harrison shines a bold, joyous light on black men through history in this #1 New York Times bestseller.
En este bestseller #1 del New York Times, la autora e ilustradora Vashti Harrison ofrece un enfoque intr?pido y alegre sobre los hombres afroamericanos a lo largo de la historia. Conoce a 62 peque?os h?roes. Son valientes. Son extraordinarios. Cambiaron el...
New York Times bestselling author-illustrator Vashti Harrison shines a bold, joyous light on black men through history.An important book for readers of all ages, this beautifully illustrated and engagingly written volume brings to life true stories of black...
New York Times bestselling author-illustrator Vashti Harrison shines a bold, joyous light on black men through history.An important book for readers of all ages, this beautifully illustrated and engagingly written volume brings to life true stories of black...