I really enjoyed the childlike viewpoint. The little cave boy is sent by his mother to find eggs for Sunday brunch. He finds a whopper! He brings it home for the big meal, only to have it hatch. Off course he wants to keep the small dinosaur for a pet. The predictable thing happens as the dinosaur grows. Dad says it must go. It is such sadness to say goodbye to a beloved pet. Later, a large problem occurs and the dinosaur...
This is a great story. It's creative yet simple with the essential elements a good kids' book needs. This book would be especially fun for the kid fascinated by dinosaurs. We learned of the book from our local library as we have checked out Tomie DePaola books before and enjoyed them. My daughter loves it as do I. I highly recommend it!
This book is a signifigant part of me. When I was in third grade I played Little Grunt in a school theatre adaption of the book. I have forever remembered the experience, and that book has been one of my favorite children's books ever since. My review may not be about the technicalities or what my favorite moments about the book were, but a memo stating that this book was an inspiration for me. Perhaps it may be an inspiration...