This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
""Little Frankie and His Cousin"" is a children's book written by Madeline Leslie and first published in 1860. The story follows the adventures of young Frankie and his cousin as they spend a summer together in the countryside. Along the way, they encounter various animals and...
""Little Frankie and His Cousin"" is a charming children's book written by Madeline Leslie and published in 1860. The story follows the adventures of two young cousins, Frankie and Alice, as they spend a summer together in the countryside. The children explore the woods, play...
The little girl was to have a small room, opening out of her aunt's chamber. There her trunks were carried for Sally to unpack and put the clothes into the wardrobe and drawers.
In another little book I have given you an account of Frankie when he was a baby, and have spoken of some things which he said and did when he began to talk and to walk. In this book I shall tell you more about him, and also about his cousin Nelly, who came to pass some months...
In another little book I have given you an account of Frankie when he was a baby, and have spoken of some things which he said and did when he began to talk and to walk. In this book I shall tell you more about him, and also about his cousin Nelly, who came to pass some months...