This third edition of Hans Bertens' bestselling book is an essential guide to the often confusing and complicated world of literary theory. Exploring a broad range of topics from Marxist and feminist criticism to postmodernism and new historicism Literary Theory: The Basics covers contemporary topics including:
reception theory and reader response theory the new criticism of postmodernism the 'after theory' debate post-humanism, biopolitics and animal studies aestheticsLiterary Theory: The Basics helps readers to approach the many theories and debates in this field with confidence. Now with updated case studies and further reading this is an essential purchase for anyone who strives to understand literary theory today.
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Criticism & Theory Education & Reference History & Criticism Literary Criticism Literary Criticism & Collections Literary Theory Literature Modern (16th-21st Centuries) Movements & Periods Political Science Politics & Social Sciences Words, Language & Grammar Writing Writing, Research & Publishing GuidesGood introduction to literary theory. I am pleased with the depth and breadth of coverage. The "readability" of the book is fine as well; theory has the potential to be some REALLY dry stuff, but Bertens makes it palatable without watering it down any more than necessary. I gave it four stars only because I reserve five stars for items that really knock my socks off. "Basics" was good and well worth the rather low price.
This is absolutely the best introduction to modern literary theory, and I have read them all! He introduces the theories in an historical narrative, explaining how and why they arose. He discusses the major figures in theory, and includes a valuable guide to further reading. His explanations of the abstruse and arcane world of literary theory are models of clarity and conciseness. I teach an introductory class on literary...
This book is the best by far in terms of lucidity and approachability. He demystifies and descarifies many difficult areas of theory. His historical approach (he begins mid-Victorian and moves from there through New Criticism, Formalism and the like) really helps show how each idea evolved from, and is indebted to, the other schools of theory. A brilliant book, which I cannot recommend highly enough!
I can't say enough good things about this book and its author, Bertens. We are using this as one of our textbooks in an advanced Contemporary Literary Theory class. The readings that we have to do by literary theorists (Derrida & ilk) are often confusing, but the Bertens book ties everything together in easy-to-understand language. I never approach the book as a "chore," rather, it is a joy. I would recommend this book to...