It's 1905 and Jasper and Lilith Arcadia have left everything they owned in London to start a commune in Australia. They never fitted in to their aristocratic upbringings and brought shame on their families for the friends they kept and the lives they lived; with Lilith being a soothsayer, a seer, a psychic to the wealthy and famous of England and Europe. With a large sum of money provided to them by their families, Jasper and Lilith buy a property in Western Victoria and name it Utopia, attracting like-minded people who refuse to abide by societies expectations. It is Jasper and Lilith's unconventional life that suddenly seems normal with the people that Utopia attracts. It takes some time for Lilith to become accustomed to her new life; however she finds beauty in things others barely look at. It is when she finds beauty in another man that real trouble begins for Jasper and Lilith. When tragedy strikes and brother starts to suspect brother; decisions need to finally be made, some with heartbreaking consequences.