Lights Out is a murder mystery that takes place in present-day Baltimore, Maryland. The mystery unfolds as one of the corporate executives from the Baltimore Light Company is kidnapped and held for ransom. Soon the stakes are raised when it is discovered that uranium fuel rods, cocaine, and weapons' grade plutonium are all part of a huge clandestine deal. Several murders are committed, which leave clues that make the reader suspect more than one character throughout the book. At one point, a company merger worth billions of dollars enters as one of the many scenarios in the mystery. Ultimately, it is left to four investigators to sort through all of the details in the case. Through logic and common sense they manage to piece together clues that help solve the puzzle one piece at a time.
The police commissioner, an FBI agent, and two employees from the Baltimore Light Company are the primary characters trying to solve the murders. However, it is the missing merchandise that drives them to finding answers to many unresolved questions. One week in September, the four investigators manage to team up to piece together the clues in the case. The ending will surely surprise the most avid mystery reader.