A moving story of love and remembrance -- for anyone who has ever lost a loved one. Young Sarah can't sleep following her grandpa's funeral, so she wakes up her dad in the middle of the night. He agrees to take her where Grandpa used to take him as a boy -- the...
A moving story of love and remembrance -- for anyone who has ever lost a loved one. Young Sarah can't sleep following her grandpa's funeral, so she wakes up her dad in the middle of the night. He agrees to take her where Grandpa used to take him...
Toda su vida, Sarah ha o?do hablar acerca de las visitas de su padre y su abuelo al faro, en medio de la noche. Una noche despierta a su padre. "Esta noche", le dice, "tienes que llevarme al faro". Y as? emprenden, en medio de la oscuridad y la niebla, un viaje muy especial,...