""Light O' The Morning"" is a novel written by L.T. Meade, which tells the story of an Irish girl named Kathleen O'Hara. Kathleen is the daughter of a wealthy landowner who has fallen on hard times, and she is forced to leave her home and travel to England to work as a governess...
""Light O' The Morning"" is a novel by L.T. Meade that tells the story of an Irish girl named Eileen O'Connor. Eileen is a beautiful and spirited young woman who lives with her family in a small village in Ireland. Despite her humble beginnings, Eileen dreams of a better life...
L. T. Meade was the pseudonym of Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith (1854-1914), a prolific writer of girls stories in late 19th century England. She began writing at 17 and produced over 300 books in her lifetime. Her most famous book was, A World of Girls, published in 1886. She...
"Why, then, Miss Nora-" "Yes, Hannah?" "You didn't see the masther going this way, miss?" "What do you mean, Hannah? Father is never at home at this hour." "I thought maybe-" said Hannah. She spoke in a dubious voice, backing a little away. Hannah was a small, squat woman, of...