Casey wishes his colleague would turn his lecherous attention to someone else. His working environment was turning into a nightmare; his only escape is in the ambulance itself. Becoming scared for his safety after several harassment incidents, he enlists the help of an expert in evasive tactics.
How can Luke compete with lawyers, police officers and teachers like his siblings are? His job is not as important, but he understands how his clients feel and has created a programme to help them learn to protect themselves. Casey is impatient, though, and it concerns Luke when he cancels their sessions.
Unexpectedly, they realise their worlds are closer than they believed. Thrown together through family and friends' events, they grow closer, but Casey is still being harassed and keeping it quiet is his best course of action - or so he thinks.
Grab your copy to find out what they do when the unthinkable happens to Casey. Who helps him - then and afterwards?