Life of David Belden is a biographical book written by John J. Berry and first published in 1891. The book tells the story of David Belden, a prominent figure in the early history of Ohio. Belden was born in Connecticut in 1787 and moved to Ohio in 1809, where he became a successful...
Life of David Belden is a book written by John J. Berry and published in 1891. It is a biographical account of the life of David Belden, a prominent figure in the United States during the 19th century. The book covers Belden's early life, his rise to fame, his political career,...
Life of David Belden is a biographical book written by John J. Berry in 1891. The book tells the story of David Belden, a prominent figure in the history of the United States. Belden was born in 1813 in New York and lived through some of the most significant events in American...