"It's a bit disappointing that zucchini noodle salad has absolutely no noodles in it whatsoever."
For fans of life, a humorous, irreverent look at life itself.
Dive into a score of original wit and witticism in this collection of honest, contemporary humor in the form of important observations about our everyday world. Comedic quotes and wry perspectives wrapped up in uncommon wisdom leave readers tickled pink-or green, depending on whether you suffer from an acute case of hypochromic anemia.
Peruse the pages from beginning to end or flip wildly through the middle in any direction (you only live once ) and enjoy equal hilarity. The casually amusing Life Is a Joke and It Ain't Even Funny offers splendiferous entertainment value for humorists, quote lovers, and anyone in the mood for a hearty laugh or a lighthearted chuckle to get them through a spare 45 minutes, an easy remote workday, or the not-so-serious trials of life.