Daniel is an unemployed businessman desperate to find work. After a slew of interviews that fail to bear any fruit, he is approached by a middle-aged man named Raphael who presents him with a unique opportunity to gain financial freedom. Raphael hands him a red bankbook called the Life Bank that converts a portion of Daniel's life directly into money. A drop of blood and a signature are all that's required. But when the money runs out, Daniel will lose his soul.
After some thought, Daniel takes the offer and spends the money freely, oblivious to any potential ramifications.
Life is good-for a time. But when an enormous financial setback causes Daniel to lose most of his savings, he must withdraw even more from his account to stay afloat. As he moves forward, his habits take a heavy toll on his life and relationships. Finally, his luck runs out, and his actions catch up to him. Can he turn his life around? Or has his fate already been sealed?
An engaging dramatic tale, Life Bank is a gripping novel about a man, his money, and his choices.