In "Life Among the Piutes," Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins presents a poignant and detailed autobiographical account of her experiences as a Northern Paiute woman. Through a series of vignettes, she weaves together narratives that highlight the cultural practices, challenges, and resilience...
Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins (c. 1844 - 1891) was a Northern Paiute author, activist and educator. Winnemucca published Life Among the Paiutes: Their Wrongs and Claims (1883), a book that is both a memoir and history of her people during their first 40 years of contact with European...
"Oh, for shame... Yes, you, who call yourselves the great civilization... your so-called civilization sweeps inland from the ocean wave; but, oh, my God! leaving its pathway marked by crimson lines of blood; and strewed by the bones of two races, the inheritor and the invader;...
This autobiographical work was written by one of the country's most well-known Native American women, Sarah Winnemucca. She was a Paiute princess and a major figure in the history of Nevada; her tribe still resides primarily in the state. Life Among the Piutes deals with Winnemucca's...
Life Among the Paiutes (1883) is a book by Sarah Winnemucca. Written toward the end of a lifetime of advocacy on behalf of Native Americans, Life Among the Paiutes is a hybrid work of history and memoir by Sarah Winnemucca, who witnessed firsthand the dangers...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely...
Life Among the Paiutes (1883) is a book by Sarah Winnemucca. Written toward the end of a lifetime of advocacy on behalf of Native Americans, Life Among the Paiutes is a hybrid work of history and memoir by Sarah Winnemucca, who witnessed firsthand the dangers...
The Shelf2Life Native American Studies Collection is a unique set of pre-1923 materials that explore the characteristics and customs of North American Indians. From traditional songs and dance of the Apache and Navajo to the intricate patterns of Arapaho moccasins, these titles...
Life Among the Paiutes was first published in 1883, and the work of Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins still stands among the most important and most compelling books on western Native Americans. It's one of the earliest books written by a Native woman, and it details her own life and...
Life Among the Paiutes was first published in 1883, and the work of Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins still stands among the most important and most compelling books on western Native Americans. It's one of the earliest books written by a Native woman, and it details her own life and...
This collection chronicles the fiction and non fiction classics by the greatest writers the world has ever known. The inclusion of both popular as well as overlooked pieces is pivotal to providing a broad and representative collection of classic works.
The Shelf2Life Native American Studies Collection is a unique set of pre-1923 materials that explore the characteristics and customs of North American Indians. From traditional songs and dance of the Apache and Navajo to the intricate patterns of Arapaho moccasins, these titles...
Life Among The Piutes: Their Wrongs And Claims is a non-fiction book written by Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins, a member of the Paiute tribe. The book was first published in 1883 and is considered to be one of the earliest autobiographical accounts of Native American life. In the book,...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely...
Life Among The Piutes: Their Wrongs And Claims is a non-fiction book written by Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins, a Native American woman who was born into the Paiute tribe in Nevada in the mid-19th century. The book provides an autobiographical account of Hopkins' life as a member of...