Satan is the master deceiver, and his lies are endless. Are you burned out, overwhelmed, angry, confused or fearful? According to Nancy Leigh DeMoss, these emotions are the result of Satan's lies. Nancy tackles many of the falsehoods that deceive Christian women with alarming...
Todas las mujeres sufren frustraciones, fracasos, ira, envidia y amargura. Nancy Leigh DeMoss arroja luz en el oscuro tema de la liberaci n de las mujeres de las mentiras de Satan s para que puedan andar en una vida llena de la gracia de Dios. Este libro expone las mentiras que...
How to counter the lies that keep you from abundant living.
Satan is the master deceiver, and his lies are endless. The lies Christian women believe are at the root of most of their struggles.
"Man women live under a cloud of personal guilt and condemnation,"...
Son las mujeres presas de las mentiras que ellas mismas crean? M?s de alguna vez hemos escuchado a las mujeres decir cosas como que necesitan casarse para ser feliz o que tienen que hacer cambiar al marido, o que el esposo tiene la obligaci?n de hacerla feliz. ?stas y otras falsedades...
You can't change the world, but you can prepare her for it. Today's girls face a number of challenges we never dealt with at their age. From skyrocketing anxiety rates to bullying on social media, the Enemy's lies are everywhere. How do you help the girl you love walk...