Lessons Learned is the seventh book by Tom Collins. It is also the third and final chapter in his second trilogy of poetry books. This book concludes the most introspective and vulnerable books he has written to date. The concept behind the book came to Tom at the beginning of the year. He wanted to write about the struggles of mental health issues and what day to day life is like for someone dealing with those struggles. He also wanted to show how the seasons of the year play a role in that as well.
He chronicled his life for the entire year and ended up with eighty poems that range in topics from love, heartbreak, the ups and downs of mental health issues, addiction, childhood, and death. From the calm, sort of woozy beginning of the book (that starts in spring of course), to the chilling, heart-aching feels of winter time; the entire book reads as sort of a surreal fever dream. This is Tom at his best and this is one book that you will not be able to put down.
As an added bonus there is a second part of the book that Tom calls the deluxe poems titled All The Things I Long For...But Will Never Have. It will be released alongside this book and you definitely do not want to miss out on it
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