Despite having written War and Peace and Anna Karenina , Leo Tolstoy, at the age of 51, looked back on his life and considered it a meaningless, regrettable failure. A Confession provides insight into the great Russian writer's movement from the pursuit of aesthetic ideals toward...
Tolstoy's classic work of philosophy, religion, the meaning of life, and the existence of God.
Complete and unabridged paperback edition. A Confession or My Confession, is a short work on the subject of melancholia, philosophy and religion by the acclaimed Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy. It was written in 1879 to 1880, when Tolstoy was in his early...
I was baptized and brought up in the Orthodox Christian faith. I was taught it in childhood and throughout my boyhood and youth. But when I abandoned the second course of the university at the age of eighteen I no longer believed any of the things I had been taught. Judging...
In "Confession" Tolstoy poses the question: Is there any meaning in my life that will not be destroyed by my death? In 1879 the fifty-year-old author of "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina" came to believe that he had accomplished nothing in life. Either of these magnificant...
"My Confession" is a book by Leo Tolstoy. It belongs to his works dedicated to the subject of religion. This book includes original illustrations of the story. Here are some passages from this book:
"And I ceased to doubt, and became fully convinced that not all was...
La conversi n del gran escritor ruso implica ante todo recusar la moralidad del desencanto y el cinismo est ril en la que l mismo ha militado, para abrirse a la sabidur a genuina de los hombres sencillos, esos "creadores de vida", en cuyos gestos y tradiciones "refulge lo sagrado"...
A Confession is a short work on the subject of melancholia, philosophy and religion by the acclaimed Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy. It was written in 1879 to 1880, when Tolstoy was of late-middle age. The book is a brief autobiographical story of the author's struggle with a mid-life...
The legendary author's passionate and iconoclastic writings - on issues of faith, immortality, freedom, violence, and morality--reflect his intellectual search for truth and a religion firmly grounded in reality. However, despite his success with works like War and Peace and...
2012 Reprint of 1921 Edition. This is Tolstoy's answer to the age old question of life's meaning. As he explains, "...five years ago something very strange began to happen to me. At first I experienced moments of perplexity and arrest of life, as though I did not know what to...
The book is a brief autobiographical story of the author's struggle with a mid-life existential crisis. It describes his search for the answer to the ultimate philosophical question: "If God does not exist, since death is inevitable, what is the meaning of life?." Without...
An account of a spiritual crisis, marking a shift of Tolstoy's central focus from the aesthetic to the religious and philosophical.
A Confession -- an essay by Leo Tolstoy on his religious thoughts -- shows the great author in process of looking for answers to profound questions that trouble all who take them on: "What will come of my life?" and "What is the meaning of life?" these are...
Esta breve obra autobiogr fica trata sobre a luta de Tolst i durante uma crise existencial de meia-idade. Descreve sua busca por respostas quest es filos ficas ligadas exist ncia de Deus, o significado e o sentido da vida.Nesta obra do peso-pesado da literatura russa, o autor...
An account of a spiritual crisis, marking a shift of Tolstoy's central focus from the aesthetic to the religious and philosophical.
A Confession -- an essay by Leo Tolstoy on his religious thoughts -- shows the great author in process of looking for answers to profound questions that trouble all who take them on: "What will come of my life?" and "What is the meaning of life?" these are...