This heartwarming story of how a little tiger named Leo bloomed is told by bestselling author Robert Kraus and is accompanied by the wonderfully bold illustrations of Jose Aruego. "Captivating and rollicking." --The Horn...
This heartwarming story of how a little tiger named Leo bloomed is told by bestselling author Robert Kraus and is accompanied by the wonderfully bold illustrations of Jose Aruego. "Captivating and rollicking." --The Horn...
"Captivating and rollicking." -- The Horn Book Leo isn't reading, or writing, or drawing, or even speaking, and his father is concerned. But Leo's mother isn't. She knows her son will do all those things, and more, when he's ready. This heartwarming story of how a little tiger...
Cuento ilustrado de un tigre que se desarrolla muy despacito, con ilustraciones de José Aruego. Cuando Leo estaba creciendo, parecía que no podía hacer nada bien. No podía escribir, ni leer, ni dibujar ni hablar tan bien como los otros animales. Su papá se preocupaba, pero su...
Leo couldn't do anything right. He couldn't read. He couldn't write. He couldn't draw. When Leo's father asks what's the matter with Leo, Leo's mother explains that he's simply a late bloomer. In his own good time, Leo does read, he does write, and he does draw. "Reassuring for...
Leo couldn't do anything right. He couldn't read. He couldn't write. He couldn't draw. When Leo's father asks what's the matter with Leo, Leo's mother explains that he's simply a late bloomer. In his own good time, Leo does read, he does write, and he does draw. "Reassuring for...