A prot g of Michael Pollan shares the story of a little known group of renegade farmers who defied corporate agribusiness by launching a unique sustainable farm-to-table food movement. The story of the Lentil Underground begins on a 280-acre homestead rooted in America's Great...
The story of the Lentil Underground begins on a 280-acre homestead rooted in America's Great Plains: the Oien family farm. Forty years ago, corporate agribusiness told small farmers like the Oiens to get big or get out. But twenty-seven-year-old David Oien decided to take a stand,...
The story of the Lentil Underground begins on a 280-acre homestead rooted in America's Great Plains: the Oien family farm. Forty years ago, corporate agribusiness told small farmers like the Oiens to get big or get out. But twenty-seven-year-old David Oien decided to take a stand,...