It is February 25, 2029. A young family find themselves torn apart in an alien controlled, apocalyptic world.
The father and eldest son have been sucked through an aperture at the bottom of the Indian Ocean after their survival craft broke up in a powerful cyclone, whilst the youngest, an officer in command of an elite rebel platoon known as the Desert Rats, finds himself on the verge of creating an opening in the powerful, alien controlled, New World Alliance defences. His Rebel Alliance have come to rely heavily on him and his friend, a fighter pilot ace, to influence the outcome of their rebellion. The very survival of the human race could well depend on the outcome of their efforts, but things do no work out as they have planned... Meanwhile, the eldest child, Bella, has escaped slavery and discovered that the Nordic aliens are in fact an ancient elder race, known as the Atlanteans. Some of their Destroyer Fleet officers have chosen to betray their High Council and come to the aid of the surviving humans, but to do so they will first need to evade capture for high treason by escaping into Hell. They will all soon discover whether 'as above is so below'... But will they reunite and with an ancient elven prophesy be fulfilled if they do.