After trapping a fugitive in Arapaho Springs, Luke Jensen discovers that a savage gang known as the Legion of Fire has left the peaceful settlement looted, burned to the ground, and the ashes scoured for female hostages--including the marshal's daughter. For Luke this is more...
Luke Jensen comes from a righteous brood. Survival is in his blood. And he's burned enough gunpowder to forge out his own legend on the frontier as the toughest bounty hunter who ever stalked his prey . . . When Luke Jensen traps fugitive Ben Craddock in Arapaho Springs, he's...
Luke Jensen comes from a righteous brood. Survival is in his blood. And he's burned enough gunpowder to forge out his own legend on the frontier as the toughest bounty hunter who ever stalked his prey . . . When Luke Jensen traps fugitive Ben Craddock in Arapaho Springs, he's...