This is the atmospheric mainstream novel that generated a three-book women's fiction deal with Bookouture.
I loved the setting, the atmosphere and the brilliantly claustrophobic lives created in Legend of the Selkie. This is a well-plotted, beautifully characterised and cleverly executed novel. I can see it sitting very successfully on a literary list. Chris is obviously an extremely competent and talented writer. I'll be waiting to see it in print in Waterstones (Bookouture Editor)
"The author has beautifully captured the Irish landscape, and the concept of Irish farms trapping generation after generation. There were quite a few times the work gave me goosebumps - from a sense of building suspense and also wonderful descriptions." (Ireland)
Grainne discovers herself to be pregnant with a child she didn't choose, when the trawler her husband is on tragically founders in freak storm conditions. She is coming to terms with her strange legacy, when her life unravels in an unexpected manner, changing everything once again. Grainne is brought to life as a determined and strong heroine. The novel, set on the rugged backbone of a West Cork peninsula, with its wild coastline, tight communities and lingering tradition of story-telling, provides a believable backdrop for a tale which blends a contemporary setting with a wisp of myth and superstition."It's been a while since I read such a good book What an achievement. Many parts made me think of Station Eleven, it is so atmospheric. The author has captured west Ireland perfectly. Legend of the Selkie truly belongs in the 'literary' category. As we delve deep into Grainne's internal battles, it really drives the narrative forward. Chapter one is brilliant, such an exciting ending, and amazing imagery. I love the way this chapter seeds so much, the many differences in their personalities unfolding as the book progresses." (A Geard, Ireland)"Wow, I'm speechless. This book was beautiful. Chris's description of the land set the mood perfectly. It matched Grainne's cold, painful grief. What I found the most compelling was her insight. She had a few realizations that blew me away, and I had to stop and reflect on what I'd just read. Thank you for an amazing book I really enjoyed the Irish names, so I feel like I'm connecting a little bit with my heritage." (USA)"Selkie is a great story in which to lose oneself. I fell in love with the stark beauty of the coasts. I very much enjoyed revisiting the area through the descriptions of the land and sea and their effects on the characters. The use of the so very sad Selkie legend as the bones of the story is wonderful. The mournful music of the folk song comes through when reading about the seals lingering longer than usual during Grainne's pregnancy. There was a wisp of fey which was just right." (USA)"I really felt West Cork in my bones as I read; the atmosphere and characterisation, and turn of phrase, well, they were all brilliant. The writing is so polished, each sentence leading smoothly to the next, I'm actually in awe. It's such a wonderful book." (London)