This book is for Lectora serious developers who have developed a few courses and are now ready to ramp up their skills. These techniques, tips, warnings, and best practices will give you the savvy to develop courses like those that professional Lectora developers do without having to spend years making mistakes and finally stumbling on the right way to do things. It contains:
* A whole chapter that gives you in plain English in-depth coverage of groups, actions, and variables so you can develop great Lectora courses
103 Techniques to help you develop courses that deliver better
        learning in less time
11   Quicksand Techniques - techniques others use which have
        hidden risks and can cause you problems. I recommend you
        avoid them for the reasons stated
25   General Tips to speed up your work and learn from the experts
28   Important Warnings about things you should watch out for
23   Best Practices to help you learn from the professionals and
         maximize your productivity and what your students learn