In Leaving Cheyenne (1963), which anticipates Lonesome Dove more than any other early novel, the stark realities of the American West play out in a mesmerizing love triangle. Stubborn rancher Gideon Fry, resilient Molly Taylor, and awkward ranch hand Johnny McCloud struggle with...
From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Lonesome Dove Larry McMurtry comes the second novel about love and loss on the great plains of Texas. From 1920's ranching to range cowboys and WWII grief, McMurtry is the undisputed father of the Western literary epic. Leaving Cheyenne...
My foot's in the stirrup, My pony won't st Goodbye, old partner, I'm leaving Cheyenne. -- Old cowboy song "Leaving Cheyenne," Larry McMurtry's second novel, traces the loves of three West Texas characters as they follow that sundown trail: Gideon Fry, the serious rancher; Johnny...
My foot's in the stirrup, My pony won't st Goodbye, old partner, I'm leaving Cheyenne. -- Old cowboy song "Leaving Cheyenne," Larry McMurtry's second novel, traces the loves of three West Texas characters as they follow that sundown trail: Gideon Fry, the serious rancher; Johnny...