With an Introduction and Bibliography by Stephen Matterson, Trinity College, Dublin. Walt Whitman's verse gave the poetry of America a distinctive national voice. It reflects the unique vitality of the new nation, the vastness of the land and the emergence of a sometimes troubled...
Delight in the work that forever changed the course of American poetry
In 1855, Walt Whitman published -- at his own expense -- the first edition of Leaves of Grass, a visionary volume of twelve poems. Showing the influence of a uniquely American form of mysticism known as Transcendentalism, which eschewed the general society and culture...
From Leaves of Grass to "Song of Myself," all of Whitman's poetry in one volume In 1855 Walt Whitman published Leaves of Grass , the work that defined him as one of America's most influential voices and that he added to throughout his life. A collection of astonishing originality...
From Leaves of Grass to "Song of Myself," all of Whitman's poetry in one volume
"I am large, I contain multitudes" A Penguin Classic When Walt Whitman self-published his Leaves of Grass in July 1855, he altered the course of literary history. One of the greatest masterpieces of American literature, it redefined the rules of poetry...
As featured in AMC's Breaking Bad, given by Gale Boetticher to Walter White and discovered by Hank Schrader. "I celebrate myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. I loafe and invite my soul,
A deluxe edition of Whitman's crowning achievement, with an introductory essay by Harold Bloom I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. When Walt Whitman self-published his Leaves of Grass...
Designed to appeal to the book lover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautifully bound pocket-sized gift editions of much loved classic titles. Bound in real cloth, printed on high quality paper, and featuring ribbon markers and gilt edges, Macmillan Collector's...
Ven, ven con Walt Whitman, este día, o esta noche: y aprende a su lado el algoritmo de todos los poemas. Recibe estas letras: canciones hechas con la música del viento, con el idioma de la montaña, con la materia de los sueños y los astros de la rebeldía. Ven; el viejo Walt cincelaba...
In 1855, a small volume appeared, self-published by a failed Brooklyn journalist and carpenter: twelve untitled poems and a preface announcing the author's aims. A commercial failure, this book was the first stage of a massive, lifelong enterprise. Six editions and thirty-seven...
Ven, ven con Walt Whitman, este día, o esta noche: y aprende a su lado el algoritmo de todos los poemas. Recibe estas letras: canciones hechas con la música del viento, con el idioma de la montaña, con la materia de los sueños y los astros de la rebeldía. Ven; el viejo Walt cincelaba...
Abraham Lincoln read it with approval, but Emily Dickinson described its bold language and themes as "disgraceful." Ralph Waldo Emerson found it "the most extraordinary piece of wit and wisdom that America has yet produced." Published at the author's expense on July 4, 1855,...
An unabridged collection of classic verse speaking profoundly into the lives of readers today. Leaves of Grass, featuring beloved poems such as "Oh Captain! My Captain!" and "Song of Myself," was met with both scathing criticism and glowing praise when...
Leaves of Grass is a timeless collection of poems and essays penned by influential nineteenth-century writer Walt Whitman. This profound compilation explores topics such as nature, mysticism, mortality, transcendentalism, and democracy. Inspired by personal experiences...