The art of channeling is the ability to connect with any essence, energy, consciousness, spirit, spirit guide, higher self, or being to have them channel feel, heal, speak, or write through you.
This ability has unlimited potential for growth, healing, learning, and rapidly gaining wisdom and a deeper understanding of life, before life, and beyond life.
Everyone has access to their channel, and many commonly tap into it through dreams, being in "the zone" or "flow state", trances, downloads, and more. The only difference is that through this written class, you will learn how to consciously connect to this ability through positive intention, meditation, and various protected methods to channel the greatest and highest good of source through your being. You will also learn how to activate and maintain a Merkaba field around you.
Chloe Moers is a channeler, author, healer, interspecies communicator, and public speaker. She began her healing journey at the age of 14 and has been channeling assistance for Earth life since this time.