"A writer as comfortable with reality as with fiction, with passion as with reason." --John Le Carr
When Inspector Maigret's .45 revolver is stolen from his home, he becomes embroiled in a murder in which the gun may have played a deadly role
After a frightened young man steals Maigret's revolver from his home and something macabre is discovered in a trunk at a railroad station, Maigret realizes that the young man will use the stolen gun to exact a measure of retribution.
Maigret kommer som s dvanlig hjem fra en lang arbejdsdag, da hans kone tager imod han og fort ller ham en m rkelig historie. En ung og nerv s mand var forbi tidligere. Han insisterede p? at tale med Maigret, og hun lod ham derfor vente i stuen. Men da hun vendte tilbage, var...