This fine example of the French realist novel contrasts the social progress of an impoverished but ambitious aristocrat with the tale of a father, whose obsessive love for his daughters leads to his personal and financial ruin. About the Series: For over...
Monsieur Goriot is one of a disparate group of lodgers at Mademe Vauquer's dingy Parisian boarding house. At first his wealth inspires respect, but as his circumstances are mysteriously reduced he becomes shunned by those around him, and soon his only remaining visitors are his...
Escrito en 1834 para la Revue de Paris y publicada en 1835 en forma de libro. Considerada una de las obras m s importantes del autor, forma parte de las Escenas de la vida privada de la Comedia humana. En ella se analiza la naturaleza de la familia, el matrimonio, la estratificaci...
The text is accompanied by an introduction, textual annotations by the editor, and a map of Paris.
"Responses: Contemporaries and Other Novelists" illustrates Balzac's immense influence on other writers, among them Charles Baudelaire, Hippolyte Taine, ?mile Zola, and...
Honor? de Balzac's classic novel, set during the Bourbon Restoration, exploring the lives of three 19th Century Parisians.
A masterful study of a father whose sacrifices for his daughters have become a compulsion, this novel marks Balzac's 'real entr?e' into La Com?die Humaine, his series of almost one hundred novels and short stories meant to depict 'the whole pell-mell of civilization.'
Monsieur Goriot is one of a disparate group of lodgers at Mademe Vauquer's dingy Parisian boarding house. At first his wealth inspires respect, but as his circumstances are mysteriously reduced he becomes shunned by those around him, and soon his only remaining visitors are his...
Le P?re Goriot est un roman d'Honor? de Balzac, ?crit en 1834, dont la publication d?bute dans la Revue de Paris et qui para?t en 1835 en librairie. Il fait partie des Sc?nes de la vie priv?e de la Com?die humaine. Le P?re Goriot ?tablit les bases de ce qui deviendra un v?ritable...
'Pere Goriot' is the tragic story of a father whose obsessive love for his two daughters leads to his financial and personal ruin. Interwoven with this theme is that of the impoverished young aristocrat, Rastignac, who comes to Paris from the provinces to make his fortune, and...
Pap Goriot (Le P re Goriot) es una novela del escritor franc s Honor de Balzac Considerada una de las obras m s importantes del autor, forma parte de las Escenas de la vida privada de la Comedia humana.
Considered to be one of Balzac's most important works, "Old Goriot", or "P re Goriot", is the story of its title character Goriot; a mysterious criminal-in-hiding named Vautrin; and a naive law student named Eug ne de Rastignac. We are introduced to the characters at Maison Vauquer,...