"There's something of everything there, the best and the worst, the vulgar and the sublime, flowers, muck, tears, laughter, the river of life itself..."
Pascal Rougon has served as a doctor in the rural French town of Plassans for thirty years. He lives...
Dans la chaleur de l'ardente apr s-midi de juillet, la salle, aux volets soigneusement clos, tait pleine d'un grand calme. Il ne venait, des trois fen tres, que de minces fl ches de lumi re, par les fentes des vieilles boiseries; et c' tait, au milieu de l'ombre, une clart ...
Le Docteur Pascal (+Biographie et Bibliographie) (6X9po Glossy Cover Finish): Le Docteur Pascal est un roman
Full text. Doctor Pascal is Zola's final novel in the twenty-volume Rougon-Macquart cycle. Zola's plan for the Rougon-Macquart novels was to show how heredity and environment worked on the members of one family over the course of the Second Empire. He wraps up his heredity theories...
Doctor Pascal (orig. French Le Docteur Pascal) is the twentieth and final novel of the Rougon-Macquart series by ?mile Zola, first published in June 1893 by Charpentier. Zola's plan for the Rougon-Macquart novels was to show how heredity and environment worked on the members...
Doctor Pascal (orig. French Le Docteur Pascal) is the twentieth and final novel of the Rougon-Macquart series by Emile Zola, first published in June 1893 by Charpentier. The novel was translated into English by Ernest A. Vizetelly in 1894 (reprinted 1925 and 1995); by Mary J...
?mile ZOLA (1840-1902), n? ? Paris, de p?re italien, un ing?nieur de travaux publics, et m?re fran?aise. ? cons?quence du d?c?s du chef de famille, l?orphelin, fils unique, et la veuve, connaissent des graves p?nuries ?conomiques, jusqu?? ce que le jeune ?mile entre en contact...
Doctor PascalBy Emile ZolaTranslated by Mary J. SerranoDoctor Pascal (orig. French Le Docteur Pascal) is the twentieth and final novel of the Rougon-Macquart series by ?mile Zola, first published in June 1893 by Charpentier.Pascal, a physician in Plassans for 30 years, has spent...
This final volume in Zola's twenty-book Rougon-Macquart cycle serves in many respects as an epilogue to the series-but it's also a fine tale in its own right. Doctor Pascal, approaching old age, looks back on his life and finds himself asking whether he has made the right choices...
Le Docteur Pascal est un roman d' mile Zola publi en 1893, le vingti me et dernier volume de la s rie des Rougon-Macquart. L'intrigue se d roule entre 1872 et 1874, autrement dit apr s la chute du Second Empire, p riode qui constituait le cadre historique de l'ensemble de l'oeuvre...
Le docteur Pascal Rougon, g n reux m decin de campagne, vit Plassans, avec sa ni ce Clotilde. Il poursuit depuis des ann es des recherches sur l'h r dit , en tudiant toutes les tares et tous les d fauts de sa famille.Le vingti me et dernier volume de la s rie des Rougon-Macquart...
This final volume in Zola's twenty-book Rougon-Macquart cycle serves in many respects as an epilogue to the series-but it's also a fine tale in its own right. Doctor Pascal, approaching old age, looks back on his life and finds himself asking whether he has made the right choices...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
Diese Hardcover-Ausgabe ist Teil der TREDITION CLASSICS. Der Verlag tredition aus Hamburg ver ffentlicht in der Buchreihe TREDITION CLASSICS Werke aus mehr als zwei Jahrtausenden. Diese waren zu einem Gro teil vergriffen oder nur noch antiquarisch erh ltlich. Mit TREDITION CLASSICS...
Dans la chaleur de l'ardente apr s-midi de juillet, la salle, aux volets soigneusement clos, tait pleine d'un grand calme. Il ne venait, des trois fen tres, que de minces fl ches de lumi re, par les fentes des vieilles boiseries; et c' tait, au milieu de l'ombre, une clart ...